Lauren and I went and saw the Acropolis today, it was amazing. These buildings are so big that it makes you wonder just how they built them. They are also built on top of this huge hill so they would have had to lug up all the marble they used and that in itself is amazing. We saw the Parthanon, the temple of Athena Nike, the temple of Hephastus, The theater of Dionysus, the hill of the Nymphs, the hill of the Pnyx, and Ancient Agora. It was a good hike today but it was just incredible to see all these things and know how old they are. From the top of the Acropolis you can also see this view of Athens that actually made you disgusted. The houses and buildings go on forever in every direction. It's basically a sea of white with no breaks in it. Because of the lack of vegitation, people have actually started to grow trees on their roofs.
For some reason things kept on happening to us was interesting. Just being at the Acropolis was cool....but then when we were hiking up the hill of nymphs we turn around and there's this guy staring at us and playing with himself in the bushes....we were really grossed out. So we got out of there but as we were wandering around we stop and there's this wild turtle on the ground...and he was pretty big, his shell was about the size of a frizbee. So we watched him for a bit and then we went down into the market and looked at some stuff and then we went past this fountain square and there was litterally around a thousand pigeons there...and somebody had thrown and whole bunch of bread in the middle and they were going i have all these pictures of us with pigeons of our feet. We had a bit to eat for dinner and now we're in this internet cafe.
Our roommates have been really great, it's nice to hang out and get to know some different people. Beer is so cheap here (it 65 euro cents for a 500ml bottle of beer). so last night we drank a whole bunch of beer and taught Nick and Florien how to play asshole ( I bought some playing cards in Patras). As well yeasterday lauren and I went to this huge market and bought a whole bunch of fresh fruit and we learned an easy way to make some brusecetta in Bari so we bought the stuff we need to make it and have been having some tasty little meals in our room (Bob i had a huge mango for breakfast this morning and it was dirt cheap)
I'll have to get a good look at all your pictures in the Cariboos, I have some great pics
Signing out
Join me on my adventures in travel, makeup, art, sewing, jewelry music and more. Here is an outlet for my creativity!

Sunday, February 27, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
well Athens is a BIG city. There are so many people and so many buildings. You literally can't see anything but buildings. Lauren and I were going to stay in Corinth but we got there and the campground was closed (they were really nice though and let us stay for one night free). We decided to head to Athens where there is a cheap hostle (10euro/night). Before we left Corith we took a bus to Ancient Corinth and wandered around the old ruins, they're pretty incredible. We stayed at the hostle last night, they are really nice there. In our room we have bunk beds and there are a couple other travlers. Florien is a guy from Germany and then Nick from the UK and Emanual from Spain (Emanual's flight lost his luggage in Amsterdam....but they found it and returned it to him today). Today lauren and I went to the National Museum of Archeaology and I got alot of pictures of statues. Tomorrow we plan to go to the Acropolis and see the Parthanon. I think it'll be pretty neat. They also have a cheap little bar at the hostle and we had a couple beers last night, it's the first we've had on the trip. When we were in Bari though on our last night there a nice man invited us to dinner and made us pasta (i think it's the best meal we've had on the trip) with bruccetta and wine. And his friend came over and we played backgammon and had some drinks. So other then the creepy men, most people have been really nice to us and tried their best to help us out.
In the next couple days i want to do a day trip to delphi and thebes, there are supposed to be some great sites there. Then we want to take a ferry to Crete and stay there for a while, there's camping and even cheaper hostles (6 euro/night).
Mom, Lauren and I are eating well, we've gone to a couple markets and bought some groceries to last us a few days. We made sandwiches and had fruit for breakfast. It's a lot less expensive than going to a deli. We've decided to save Lauren's Birthday as a night we'll actually go out for dinner. She's going to be 21 in 4 days CRAZY!
Anyway I still miss everyone. Being here makes me apprecitate home. I would never want to live here. There are so many people and no open spaces and everything is covered in garbage. Canada is just better.
Love And Hugs
In the next couple days i want to do a day trip to delphi and thebes, there are supposed to be some great sites there. Then we want to take a ferry to Crete and stay there for a while, there's camping and even cheaper hostles (6 euro/night).
Mom, Lauren and I are eating well, we've gone to a couple markets and bought some groceries to last us a few days. We made sandwiches and had fruit for breakfast. It's a lot less expensive than going to a deli. We've decided to save Lauren's Birthday as a night we'll actually go out for dinner. She's going to be 21 in 4 days CRAZY!
Anyway I still miss everyone. Being here makes me apprecitate home. I would never want to live here. There are so many people and no open spaces and everything is covered in garbage. Canada is just better.
Love And Hugs
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
...PATRAS! (Greece)
Hey, ya that fine was pretty stupid. I have been parking in the same spot since i've been working at the pickle and they decided one day to give me a 40$ i started parking somewhere else. I was going to try to fight it but it was too close to the time i was leaving that i would probably be gone before they answered me. Bob...sorry for hiding my car keys......i wanted to have my car nice and clean before i left...but i didn't get it done....and i didn't want to leave you a messy car......if you really want them they are in my sock drawer (the draw nearest Norbert at the top) Kim said that you were looking for them . But truthfully my car is really messy...and it's embarassing. That's the first thing i'm going to do when i get back =)
So anyway, Lauren and I are in Patras, we are going to try to leave for Corith today...cause let face it...patras ain't pretty ....the streets smell funny....and when you need them there are no crosswalks. So you have to run across the street and hope not to get hit by crazy drivers. And all the men here are Ugly....and not just unattractive....they are the look away quicky so you don't make a grossed out face Ugly. and the really annoying thing is that they stare at the point where they could walk into poll cause they aren't looking where they are going. we had a crazy time getting here....we were on a ferry ( these ships are huge...i've never been on a boat this big before) and i feel asleep.... at a stop in the trip at igualmentia (I really don't know how it's spelled) lauren thought she heard an anoucement saying that everybody had to get off.....i thought that this was really screwed up and didn't make any sense but i had just gotten up and thing generally don't make much sense to me when i get up. I thought we should ask somebody...but there wasn't any of the crew around to we got off....and the boat left without us. So we had to wait at a port there....where nobody speaks english for 6 hours and pay more to get on another boat. But we're here now and that's what counts. We finally stayed in a hostle and got to sleep in real beds YAY! But it's even nicer weather here so i think we'll be able to camp in Corinth. Right now i'm wearing my shorts. We are washing our clothes right now at a laundramat....yay clean clothes!
Hope everybody back at home is great, Bob, Hope the skiing is fantastic.... i look forward to doing some when i get home. I miss everyone. I miss lealu and Norbert. Kim i hope everything is going well with him, I hope you're doing well i miss you! Mom i miss you....i think at some point i might try and call. Bob and cody miss you! i'll write as soon as i can get to another computer =)
Love and Hugs!
So anyway, Lauren and I are in Patras, we are going to try to leave for Corith today...cause let face it...patras ain't pretty ....the streets smell funny....and when you need them there are no crosswalks. So you have to run across the street and hope not to get hit by crazy drivers. And all the men here are Ugly....and not just unattractive....they are the look away quicky so you don't make a grossed out face Ugly. and the really annoying thing is that they stare at the point where they could walk into poll cause they aren't looking where they are going. we had a crazy time getting here....we were on a ferry ( these ships are huge...i've never been on a boat this big before) and i feel asleep.... at a stop in the trip at igualmentia (I really don't know how it's spelled) lauren thought she heard an anoucement saying that everybody had to get off.....i thought that this was really screwed up and didn't make any sense but i had just gotten up and thing generally don't make much sense to me when i get up. I thought we should ask somebody...but there wasn't any of the crew around to we got off....and the boat left without us. So we had to wait at a port there....where nobody speaks english for 6 hours and pay more to get on another boat. But we're here now and that's what counts. We finally stayed in a hostle and got to sleep in real beds YAY! But it's even nicer weather here so i think we'll be able to camp in Corinth. Right now i'm wearing my shorts. We are washing our clothes right now at a laundramat....yay clean clothes!
Hope everybody back at home is great, Bob, Hope the skiing is fantastic.... i look forward to doing some when i get home. I miss everyone. I miss lealu and Norbert. Kim i hope everything is going well with him, I hope you're doing well i miss you! Mom i miss you....i think at some point i might try and call. Bob and cody miss you! i'll write as soon as i can get to another computer =)
Love and Hugs!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
hey everyone, we're in Bari now...we've been camping at a place called campsite seaworld. We plan to leave monday on a ferry to Greece. This place is pretty neat there are quite a few cathedrals and there is a museum we plan to visit tomorrow. It rained the last few days but today it's quite nice. Bob.. what was the parking ticket from? I got one a little while ago...but i paid it before i left. Trust me, i didn't leave and just think that you would take care of something like that. Was it a photo radar?? I will pay you back when i get home, sorry about that. Anyway, it's nice to finally be stationary we were all over the place for the first little bit, and it was a little bit of a shock to see how snowy munich had more snow than home. But Bari is nice and sunny, hopefully Greece will be nicer.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 we're in Munich
Lauren and I decided that Frankfurt was too cold and have started to head south. We are on our way to Italy. Hopefully it won't be snowy there.....I don't think it will. we have a couple of hours to do nothing so we found this internet cafe. As of right now we are heading to Bari....a city near the tip of the boot. We're both tired but we have a cochette booked for our next train so we get to sleep. YAY! There are a few weird things here....such as the "Z" and the "Y" have been swiched on the key it's hard to type without screwing up and also neither lauren or i can find the "at" key. Doesn't seem to exsist (Wait...lauren found it). People are really nice here, when we were at the airport some guy gave us some change....on the train some other guys gave us some cookies (they were also like crackers, so we're calling them chrookies) and when we got to munich a lady came up to us and offered accomodations. The buildings here are awsome. There are the most amazing sculptures all over them I've tried to take a few pictures but it's pretty dark outside and they didn't turn out.
I'm glad that Lauren's here cause I honestly cannot understand anything. But most people if you talk to them can speak some cases better than us.
I miss everyone already...someone should make a comment
I'm glad that Lauren's here cause I honestly cannot understand anything. But most people if you talk to them can speak some cases better than us.
I miss everyone already...someone should make a comment
we're in frankfurt
hey everyone...Lauren and I have just arrived in Frankfurt we are now figuring out if we think it's too cold or if we want to stay here for a bit.It's definetly warmer here than it is in calgary.I'll find another computer to say what is going on when we figure it out.
big hugz
big hugz
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