Bob i'd love to come to salmon arm for Grams B-day
I sent mom an e-mail about coming to get me but i'm not sure what's happening
I get in at 3:30 i think on sunday
Hope to see you at the airport
Miss you
Love you
Join me on my adventures in travel, makeup, art, sewing, jewelry music and more. Here is an outlet for my creativity!

Friday, March 18, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
I tried to write a message on here when we were in vienna but the computer screwed up and erased the whole thing.
We left Melissa in Florence, the day before Melissa and I went and saw the leaning tower of Pisa and then went and wandered around for a while. We found this other little church and went in and nobody was in there but the organ player. So we sat in there for a while and listened. It was really amazing to hear a large organ in a huge church. Then we got back on the train and went back to Florence to meet Lauren. We went and saw the Duomo and the Santa Maria Novela church. Both were beautiful and have alot of gold leafing, mosaics and paintings. We all decided to head back to the hostle early and we sat on the top balcony and read our books under a setting tuscan sun. I got some great pictures of the landscape. It was very beautiful where we were staying. Lauren and I slept in the next day and then packed up our tent and got on the train for Venice. when we got there we droped off our bags and then went on and ferry bus ride of the grand cannal. Venice has to be the most beautiful of the cities I've seen. It has little cannals going everywhere and all along the banks there are great palaces. We went to one of the main piazzas and fed some pigieons ( they would land on your arms and shoulders trying to get at the feed) and then wandered around for a couple hours. We ended up sitting in a riverside cafe and drinking some wine and watched the boats at night. The only thing that I would have to get used to there is the smell. The water isn't the nicest smelling stuff in the world. We had a train that left at 1 in the morning for Vienna. So we are to wait at the train station. I had a little scare when I forgot my eurail pass in the washroom and had to run back and get it. Luckly it was late and there wasn't many people there. Now it's gluded to me. We sleped in this little sleeper car on the train, it wasn't the most comfortable sleep and I woke up alot but it got us to Vienna. We decided to go and check our e-mail there and we had a little scare when Lauren thought Petr, her cousin, had made us a reservation for a hotel in Prague that we really couldn't afford. Luckly it was just that his english was not that good and he had just given us that impression. Also we had gotten a day ahead of ourselves and thought that he had made the reservation for that night, and that there could have been a cancelation fee. But there was nothing to be worried about and we sent an e-mail to the hotel just incase he had made a reservation to cancel it. we then wandered around a bit more went to another church and then got on another train to Prague. We weren't sure if we were going to find accomodations here but this little lady came to us at the train station and offered. Her place is so cute and tiny, there are a couple of other people staying there but we still have our own little room. Everything is really cheap and we have breakfast included and a washing machine so we can actually not smell bad. The lady is so cute because she can't speak very good english but rather a mixture of german english and Czech to us. I'm going to take a pickture of the mall paper in the place cause it is the the funniest stuff you have ever seen. It's orangy red and floral and it's EVERYWHERE. Including the celings. Either that or fake brick wall paper. She brought us breakfast which was bread and jam and these little containers of meat stuff that Lauren and I don't really want to try.
Anyhoo, Petr has e-mailed lauren back and says that we can stay in his brothers house for free tomorrow night and then the next night I'm on a overnight train to come back to frankfurt for my plane home.
Hope everyone is really good at home, I miss everyone. especially my cat!
See everyone soon
We left Melissa in Florence, the day before Melissa and I went and saw the leaning tower of Pisa and then went and wandered around for a while. We found this other little church and went in and nobody was in there but the organ player. So we sat in there for a while and listened. It was really amazing to hear a large organ in a huge church. Then we got back on the train and went back to Florence to meet Lauren. We went and saw the Duomo and the Santa Maria Novela church. Both were beautiful and have alot of gold leafing, mosaics and paintings. We all decided to head back to the hostle early and we sat on the top balcony and read our books under a setting tuscan sun. I got some great pictures of the landscape. It was very beautiful where we were staying. Lauren and I slept in the next day and then packed up our tent and got on the train for Venice. when we got there we droped off our bags and then went on and ferry bus ride of the grand cannal. Venice has to be the most beautiful of the cities I've seen. It has little cannals going everywhere and all along the banks there are great palaces. We went to one of the main piazzas and fed some pigieons ( they would land on your arms and shoulders trying to get at the feed) and then wandered around for a couple hours. We ended up sitting in a riverside cafe and drinking some wine and watched the boats at night. The only thing that I would have to get used to there is the smell. The water isn't the nicest smelling stuff in the world. We had a train that left at 1 in the morning for Vienna. So we are to wait at the train station. I had a little scare when I forgot my eurail pass in the washroom and had to run back and get it. Luckly it was late and there wasn't many people there. Now it's gluded to me. We sleped in this little sleeper car on the train, it wasn't the most comfortable sleep and I woke up alot but it got us to Vienna. We decided to go and check our e-mail there and we had a little scare when Lauren thought Petr, her cousin, had made us a reservation for a hotel in Prague that we really couldn't afford. Luckly it was just that his english was not that good and he had just given us that impression. Also we had gotten a day ahead of ourselves and thought that he had made the reservation for that night, and that there could have been a cancelation fee. But there was nothing to be worried about and we sent an e-mail to the hotel just incase he had made a reservation to cancel it. we then wandered around a bit more went to another church and then got on another train to Prague. We weren't sure if we were going to find accomodations here but this little lady came to us at the train station and offered. Her place is so cute and tiny, there are a couple of other people staying there but we still have our own little room. Everything is really cheap and we have breakfast included and a washing machine so we can actually not smell bad. The lady is so cute because she can't speak very good english but rather a mixture of german english and Czech to us. I'm going to take a pickture of the mall paper in the place cause it is the the funniest stuff you have ever seen. It's orangy red and floral and it's EVERYWHERE. Including the celings. Either that or fake brick wall paper. She brought us breakfast which was bread and jam and these little containers of meat stuff that Lauren and I don't really want to try.
Anyhoo, Petr has e-mailed lauren back and says that we can stay in his brothers house for free tomorrow night and then the next night I'm on a overnight train to come back to frankfurt for my plane home.
Hope everyone is really good at home, I miss everyone. especially my cat!
See everyone soon
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Lauren and Melissa and I are now in Florence. Rome was beautiful but it was time to leave. I realized that on my last post I had said what I had last done in Naples and that it sounded like I was talking about being in Rome. But I just made that post when we arrived in Rome and hadn't really done much. SOOOOOOOOO I will give the story of Rome!
We left Naples on a train and on the train we met another Canadian. A guy from New Brunswick named Joesaiah. I honestly don't think that he we the brightest crayon in the box and he didn't smell very good (although he appologised for that when he introduced himself at least he was polite and honest). Our train ride wasn't too long and we got off at the Rome terminal and tried to find a hostle. Our first pick was full but they helped us out and phoned another for us and told us where to go. Trecking around in that backpack for a long time isn't that much fun. I don't think i'll want to look at it for a while once I get home. We got to the other hostle called Freestyle....sound pretty cool hey. Well the guy running it was really nice, his name was Kumar, and one of the other guys names was Tictac (I'm not joking). And they set us up with beds. This hostle was tiny tho, they somehow fit 11 people into a small room, so it was really packed. In the morning it was almost imposible to be able to go to the bathroom. But they give you free breakfast and dinner with wine and free internet it wasn't too bad. The first day there we went and saw the colosseum and the roman forum on a guided tour which was really interesting. It was a really sunny day that day too so it was nice to be outside. We then headed up the the pantheon and on the way saw some amazing churches. It was just incredible to even stand in them. Then later that night we decided to go out, there was supposed to be this cheap pub crawl. One of the other girls staying at the hostle wanted to come with us and she spoke italian which was a real help. One of the guys working at the hostle gave us the wrong directions to the meeting place (the spanish steps) and we ended up getting lost because we forgot to bring our map. By the time we got to the spanish steps we had missed the meeting time and they had we wandered around a bit and then finally asked some locals where the best place to go was. they pointed us in the direction of a little piazza (not pizza) and we found a nice little bar. We had alot of fun the bartenders were really funny. One of them had a fake moustashe drawn on and a green wig. They were tossing bottles around and making the most elaborate drink i've ever seen. So it was pretty much decided that it was a good thing that we were late for the pub crawl. In the end tho I ended up being the one to look after all the carry Lauren to the taxi....hehe. So the next day it took us awhile to get out of bed and get on our way to see all the other stuff in Rome. We went to the Basilica of St. Peter which was HUGE and beautiful....we wanted to go to the dome but the line up was WAY to big. We then had some lunch and then went to go to the Vatican Museum, unfortunatly it was closed. There was no way I was going to be all the way in Rome and then miss the sistine chaple so we had to stay another night. We had already checked out of the hostle tho and they had given away our beds. All of the other hostles in Rome were booked solid . I have developed a huge dislike for the USA's spring break. Tons of these kids are here, they are taking up all the room in all the hostles and they aren't here to take in all the sites...they are here to party and get laid. Kumar was helpful though and he rented Lauren and I a little room in the complex that all the hostle staff were living. I was so excited to get a good night sleep and not have to listen to other people crash around the room and make noise.But I was wrong. After we had gone to sleep I was startled awake by the most incredibly loud snoring you have ever heard in your life. It wasn't just snoring tho, it litterally sounded like this guy was dieing. When we were shown the room we were told that there was this guy that lived in this little cubby hole beside the door to our room. The space was the width of a single bed and that's all that was in it when we saw it. This guy was CRAZY. He sounded like he was tromping around outside our room and breathing really heavy and just grunting and then at some points in the night scream at the top of his lungs in a different language. At one point in the night I woke up and saw that our door was open and I went to close it and he scared the crap out of me ....I didn't realize that he was right outside our door nor did I even know that it a creapy guy making all the noise (for a while I thought it might be Kumar.....turning into some crazy man at night). I opened the door and he was sitting there staring at the floor and groning, reaking like alcohol and smoke and wearing two different flip flops. I literally ran back in and shook Lauren awake and said "Lauren there's a really creapy man outside our door and I'm freeking out, help me". So basically I didn't get any sleep all night and felt like complete crap the next day. So saturday we went to the Vatican and saw the sistine chapel and some amazing paintings. We also got to go to a Edward Munch exibit and the museum that houses the giant foot of constantine, which also happened to have a Escher exibit (I found this to be the treat of my day) We then went and got on a train and went to Florence. Lauren and I camped last night, and I had a great sleep. Today Melissa and Lauren and I went to the Ufizzi museum and stood in line for 4 hours. No fun! But once we got inside I got to see the incredible works of Da Vinchi, Boticcelli, Rembrant, Michaelangelo, and Raphael. It was all very amazing but I think I've seen enough renaissance painting for now. Tomorrow we are getting up early and Melissa and I are going to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Lauren wants to look at more paintings so she's going to stay here.
Anyway, I have writen enough to kill a person
I miss everyone alot
I think more people should post, and that cody should honestly try to give me some gift ideas.
There is something really funny tho, all the escalators here seem to not have the stair and the arm rest part syncronized so you'll be riding up and then suddenly realize that you arm is almost around the person infront of you and the first time it happens your so confused because you are sure that yopu wouldn't have but you hand up that far in the first place. It's too funny. We call it the creepy hand.
We left Naples on a train and on the train we met another Canadian. A guy from New Brunswick named Joesaiah. I honestly don't think that he we the brightest crayon in the box and he didn't smell very good (although he appologised for that when he introduced himself at least he was polite and honest). Our train ride wasn't too long and we got off at the Rome terminal and tried to find a hostle. Our first pick was full but they helped us out and phoned another for us and told us where to go. Trecking around in that backpack for a long time isn't that much fun. I don't think i'll want to look at it for a while once I get home. We got to the other hostle called Freestyle....sound pretty cool hey. Well the guy running it was really nice, his name was Kumar, and one of the other guys names was Tictac (I'm not joking). And they set us up with beds. This hostle was tiny tho, they somehow fit 11 people into a small room, so it was really packed. In the morning it was almost imposible to be able to go to the bathroom. But they give you free breakfast and dinner with wine and free internet it wasn't too bad. The first day there we went and saw the colosseum and the roman forum on a guided tour which was really interesting. It was a really sunny day that day too so it was nice to be outside. We then headed up the the pantheon and on the way saw some amazing churches. It was just incredible to even stand in them. Then later that night we decided to go out, there was supposed to be this cheap pub crawl. One of the other girls staying at the hostle wanted to come with us and she spoke italian which was a real help. One of the guys working at the hostle gave us the wrong directions to the meeting place (the spanish steps) and we ended up getting lost because we forgot to bring our map. By the time we got to the spanish steps we had missed the meeting time and they had we wandered around a bit and then finally asked some locals where the best place to go was. they pointed us in the direction of a little piazza (not pizza) and we found a nice little bar. We had alot of fun the bartenders were really funny. One of them had a fake moustashe drawn on and a green wig. They were tossing bottles around and making the most elaborate drink i've ever seen. So it was pretty much decided that it was a good thing that we were late for the pub crawl. In the end tho I ended up being the one to look after all the carry Lauren to the taxi....hehe. So the next day it took us awhile to get out of bed and get on our way to see all the other stuff in Rome. We went to the Basilica of St. Peter which was HUGE and beautiful....we wanted to go to the dome but the line up was WAY to big. We then had some lunch and then went to go to the Vatican Museum, unfortunatly it was closed. There was no way I was going to be all the way in Rome and then miss the sistine chaple so we had to stay another night. We had already checked out of the hostle tho and they had given away our beds. All of the other hostles in Rome were booked solid . I have developed a huge dislike for the USA's spring break. Tons of these kids are here, they are taking up all the room in all the hostles and they aren't here to take in all the sites...they are here to party and get laid. Kumar was helpful though and he rented Lauren and I a little room in the complex that all the hostle staff were living. I was so excited to get a good night sleep and not have to listen to other people crash around the room and make noise.But I was wrong. After we had gone to sleep I was startled awake by the most incredibly loud snoring you have ever heard in your life. It wasn't just snoring tho, it litterally sounded like this guy was dieing. When we were shown the room we were told that there was this guy that lived in this little cubby hole beside the door to our room. The space was the width of a single bed and that's all that was in it when we saw it. This guy was CRAZY. He sounded like he was tromping around outside our room and breathing really heavy and just grunting and then at some points in the night scream at the top of his lungs in a different language. At one point in the night I woke up and saw that our door was open and I went to close it and he scared the crap out of me ....I didn't realize that he was right outside our door nor did I even know that it a creapy guy making all the noise (for a while I thought it might be Kumar.....turning into some crazy man at night). I opened the door and he was sitting there staring at the floor and groning, reaking like alcohol and smoke and wearing two different flip flops. I literally ran back in and shook Lauren awake and said "Lauren there's a really creapy man outside our door and I'm freeking out, help me". So basically I didn't get any sleep all night and felt like complete crap the next day. So saturday we went to the Vatican and saw the sistine chapel and some amazing paintings. We also got to go to a Edward Munch exibit and the museum that houses the giant foot of constantine, which also happened to have a Escher exibit (I found this to be the treat of my day) We then went and got on a train and went to Florence. Lauren and I camped last night, and I had a great sleep. Today Melissa and Lauren and I went to the Ufizzi museum and stood in line for 4 hours. No fun! But once we got inside I got to see the incredible works of Da Vinchi, Boticcelli, Rembrant, Michaelangelo, and Raphael. It was all very amazing but I think I've seen enough renaissance painting for now. Tomorrow we are getting up early and Melissa and I are going to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Lauren wants to look at more paintings so she's going to stay here.
Anyway, I have writen enough to kill a person
I miss everyone alot
I think more people should post, and that cody should honestly try to give me some gift ideas.
There is something really funny tho, all the escalators here seem to not have the stair and the arm rest part syncronized so you'll be riding up and then suddenly realize that you arm is almost around the person infront of you and the first time it happens your so confused because you are sure that yopu wouldn't have but you hand up that far in the first place. It's too funny. We call it the creepy hand.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
We have now have arrived in Rome and are staying in a hostle that has free wine, breakfast and dinner, and free internet for the price of 15 euros a night. It is nice to be in a place to sleep again. We had a good day today, we have continued to travel with this girl melissa and she has become a good travling companion. She was orriginally planning to go to sicily but she couldnt get a reservation on a train so she came with us. Today we went to this castle and got to see this really cool burial chamber. It was actually covered in glass floors and we got to walk over top and look down and it was dark but lit up really neat and had some spooky music. We then made our way up to the Archeaological museum and got to look at some of the most beautiful paintings on wall and mosaics that I have ever seen. There was also a egyptian exibit in the basement that had mummy heads with hair and feet. Crazy. We wanted to go to the Science center but it was too far away and we would have to take some trains so we ended up wandering around and just looking at the awamzing buildings situated within the city. While wandering we got some gellato.......mmmmmmmm.... SOOOO good. It is the best honestly. We are planning to spend two days in Rome and then head for Florence. I am really excited to see the sights around here it should be really interesting
Miss everybody alot!
Miss everybody alot!
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
we actually went someplace else!
LAuren and I have finally got off our butts in Athens and have made it to another large city in Italy. We are in Naples the origins of pizza (we are actually planning to have some of if for dinner....mmmmmm) This city is huge and ... weirdly enough creepier then Athens....well as far as Ive seen.There is actually a part of the map the mark off for you and tell you to NOT go there after dark. Creepy eh? On our way here we met three other girls from Canada. Two from Red Deer and the other from Ontario, from a place called moosenee. The other two continued to Rome on the train from Bari (We met all of them on the ferry from Greece to Italy) and the other (melissa) has become a bit of a travling buddy and we are all staying at the same hostle (6 small rooms). Last night was awsome because for the first time we got to cook our own meal!!!!!....SWEET! There is a kitchen in this hostle and we made some pasta and garlic bread which was unfortunatly made on bread that I didnt know was sweet bread when I bought it, but it taasted awsome anyway and cost us much less because lauren and melissa pooled our money together. The total being a small 5 euros for everything. There is an addorible cat at this hostle named Simon and he reminds me so much of Blossom. He has the same colors and coat of fur and he is really friendly. and now i have this desperate need to see my cats! Today we had an awsome day, we got up and the three of us plus ather girl staying at the hostle named Bev came with us to see the ruins at Pompei. It was quite beautiful. We wanted to go on the bus tour up to see Mt. Vesuvius. BUT there is still snow up there and they wont drive to the top. It wasnt too much of a downer for me cause it just a mountain really.... but it still would have been fun. The Pompei ruins were cool, we got to see the casts made by the people who died in the ash for the volcano exploding. We plan to spend tonight here and then go to Rome tomorrow night. Tomorrow we also plan to go to the archeaological museum and the science center (thats right...the science center). There is also a huge castle here that if we have enough time we will check out as well. KERI!!!...its nice to hear from you, ive found something I want to bring home for you, I think youll like it. Camille I want to get you a little something but it is hard to find the right thing.....ive decided that it....Muct be perfect...hehehe. And cody you have to tell me what you want for your birthday cause I really have no ideas....and I think I want to get you at least a little something from here. CHAD!!! actually got my message YAY! Things are crazy here and it is really nice to hear from people at home . HUGS! Jessica Thanks for all the posts its nice to hear from you , I think ive found a little something for you too. I miss my MOM and BOB. AND MY ANIMALS.
anyway, i dont have much time here. I really miss home and bathrooms that actually have toilets (one that have seats too) that dont have crap everywhere (we actually saw one with needles in it today, FUN) I really miss everyone, hope you are all doing great
anyway, i dont have much time here. I really miss home and bathrooms that actually have toilets (one that have seats too) that dont have crap everywhere (we actually saw one with needles in it today, FUN) I really miss everyone, hope you are all doing great
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
We're still in Athens
Well we are still in Athens and it looks like we are going to be here till saturday. BLAH! The ferries are on strike and we were told that it won't be over untill this comming saturday. So we are just going to have to entertain ourselves untill then, and it looks like we won't be visiting Crete because of it. We just won't have enough time.
Finding out that was kinda a downer today, unfortunatly I didn't really have the brain capacity to comprehend what that ment untill recently. Yesterday on Lauren's birthday we tried to have a fun relaxing day (when we got up it was pissing rain and the original trip to Delfi we had planned didn't seem to be that great of an idea). We went out for breakfast which was more like lunch and had a good meal and then wandered around and tried to find things to do. We ended up going to this hair salon so lauren could get her hair cut cause it was bothering her. The hair dresser didn't speak much english and ended up ignoring what Lauren had requested and giving her an unfortunate haircut ( I don't think it looks that bad but Lauren says she hates it). So just be part of the fun I got them to style my hair. I'm really glad that they didn't go mear me with scissors cause they seriously made me look like a 1970's fembot. I was this giant poof of hairspray and stupidness so Lauren and I bolted back to the hostle to fix ourselves and try to make things better by going out for dinner with one of roommates Nick. We went to a pretty neat resturant, I tryed to order a greek dish that was translated as veal and potatoes, but the waiter told me they were out. So I ended up ordering Veal (which came with potatoes). Which thoughly confused me. Some other things on the menu included; Parson's nose, A kid in a clay bowl, Entrails, and A frozen portion of dentex. Nick was the only one bold enough to order one of these. Parson's nose turned out to be it was okay.
On our way back to the Hostle we stoped and got a couple beers and when we got back to our room some of the new people had taken the key with them when they went out and we were locked out. This place has only one set of keys, so even the reception can't let you in. We told the owner of the hostle that it was Lauren's birthday so he told us that they were going to have a party at the hostle bar. I'm not really sure how much we drank but I have discovered one thing. NEVER DRINK OUZO.......NEVER........
I didn't get to bed untill 3 or 4 and I don't really remember how I got back to my room, Both Lauren and I forgot to pay the Bartender for our drinks (I payed him this morning but he gave us the majority of them to us for free). And the new women staying in our room are early risers......early meaning 6 in the morning....which I didn't deal with too well with seeing as I was still drunk when they woke me up by being noisey in our room. It will be interesting to see them tonight, hopefully their not mad at us for stumbling in drunk in the night. The only description that I can't give for how I felt this morning is I felt like a bag of smashed assholes. Once again ...never drink ouzo.
The only thing we were capable of doing today was walking to find out about the ferries and finding out the we're stuck...and going to McDonald to get a McHangover meal.
Anyway, I feel much better now, and I think that now we'll be able to visit Delfi like we planned, so things aren't too bad. I got to find out that the new pair of pants I got (I realized I should have brought 2 anyway) fits into my bag when I packed this morning. This being before we found out we weren't going anywhere. And we made some good friends of the owner and employees of the hostle. Well, don't have too much more to say
hope everybody's doing well at home, leave me some good post to tell what's going on =)
That's great to hear about the trip to Mexico Mom, I know you'll have a good time. And Bob I think you'll have a good trip to Mexico as well, get some good sun for me cause all there is is rain here. I hope it stops soon
Love and Hugs
Finding out that was kinda a downer today, unfortunatly I didn't really have the brain capacity to comprehend what that ment untill recently. Yesterday on Lauren's birthday we tried to have a fun relaxing day (when we got up it was pissing rain and the original trip to Delfi we had planned didn't seem to be that great of an idea). We went out for breakfast which was more like lunch and had a good meal and then wandered around and tried to find things to do. We ended up going to this hair salon so lauren could get her hair cut cause it was bothering her. The hair dresser didn't speak much english and ended up ignoring what Lauren had requested and giving her an unfortunate haircut ( I don't think it looks that bad but Lauren says she hates it). So just be part of the fun I got them to style my hair. I'm really glad that they didn't go mear me with scissors cause they seriously made me look like a 1970's fembot. I was this giant poof of hairspray and stupidness so Lauren and I bolted back to the hostle to fix ourselves and try to make things better by going out for dinner with one of roommates Nick. We went to a pretty neat resturant, I tryed to order a greek dish that was translated as veal and potatoes, but the waiter told me they were out. So I ended up ordering Veal (which came with potatoes). Which thoughly confused me. Some other things on the menu included; Parson's nose, A kid in a clay bowl, Entrails, and A frozen portion of dentex. Nick was the only one bold enough to order one of these. Parson's nose turned out to be it was okay.
On our way back to the Hostle we stoped and got a couple beers and when we got back to our room some of the new people had taken the key with them when they went out and we were locked out. This place has only one set of keys, so even the reception can't let you in. We told the owner of the hostle that it was Lauren's birthday so he told us that they were going to have a party at the hostle bar. I'm not really sure how much we drank but I have discovered one thing. NEVER DRINK OUZO.......NEVER........
I didn't get to bed untill 3 or 4 and I don't really remember how I got back to my room, Both Lauren and I forgot to pay the Bartender for our drinks (I payed him this morning but he gave us the majority of them to us for free). And the new women staying in our room are early risers......early meaning 6 in the morning....which I didn't deal with too well with seeing as I was still drunk when they woke me up by being noisey in our room. It will be interesting to see them tonight, hopefully their not mad at us for stumbling in drunk in the night. The only description that I can't give for how I felt this morning is I felt like a bag of smashed assholes. Once again ...never drink ouzo.
The only thing we were capable of doing today was walking to find out about the ferries and finding out the we're stuck...and going to McDonald to get a McHangover meal.
Anyway, I feel much better now, and I think that now we'll be able to visit Delfi like we planned, so things aren't too bad. I got to find out that the new pair of pants I got (I realized I should have brought 2 anyway) fits into my bag when I packed this morning. This being before we found out we weren't going anywhere. And we made some good friends of the owner and employees of the hostle. Well, don't have too much more to say
hope everybody's doing well at home, leave me some good post to tell what's going on =)
That's great to hear about the trip to Mexico Mom, I know you'll have a good time. And Bob I think you'll have a good trip to Mexico as well, get some good sun for me cause all there is is rain here. I hope it stops soon
Love and Hugs
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